Saturday, May 27, 2017

Soyun OH / GMO /9 A.M.

1 comment:

  1. Title: GMO
    Evaluator: Sung Ji Young
    Date: 5/29

    Speech value: 5
    The speaker did a great of delivering her opinion and information regarding the GMOs. She used presentation slides and also short video clip to help the audience to get a better understanding of the topic.

    Preparation 4
    The presenter seemed to have gone through a lot of trouble to prepare for the speech. She had slides for all of the points she made and also a short video clip to draw in audience's attention.

    Organization 4
    The speaker had solid three main points to why she disagrees with GMOs, which was effective enough to help the audience to clearly understand them.

    Opening 3
    The opening was a little bit weak because she started with "I will talk about GMOs". Although she went on by asking a question to the audience, the opening was not all that impressive.

    Body 4
    During the explanation, the speaker had specific examples and researches to back up her opinion.

    Conclusion 4
    The presenter did a great job of closing the speech through valuable information regarding the GMOs, which helped the audience to not just know her opinion but also get to learn something that is useful in our daily life.

    Transitions 4
    Used transitions whenever he moved on to her next points by using “first, then, another thing, so..”

    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    The speaker did a overall good job of delivering the speech. However, she could have made the opening more strongly by not just stating what she will be presenting about. An interesting opening could have made the presentation quality much better.
