Saturday, May 27, 2017

Jae Hyun Lee(Edwin) / Artificial Intelligence: Can It Replace Human? / Tuesday 9am-11am


  1. jae won choi(tuesday 9)May 29, 2017 at 11:08 PM

    Title: Artificial Intelligence: Can It Replace Human?
    Evaluator: JAE WON CHOI( Tuesday9)
    Date: 5/29

    Speech value: 5-The speech was well delivered, and The visuals were very adequate with the overall presentation

    Preparation 5- I think it was well prepared. It was noticeable by the powerpoint and the information he used, which I think he would’ve done some research

    Organization 5-the organization was good. I think nothing was wrong

    Opening 4-The opening about baduk was okay but maybe it could’ve been more interesting if he explained just a bit more about it.

    Body 5- good statistics, good visuals. It was quite interesting

    Conclusion 5-I liked how he concluded with a quote that requires people to act differently

    Transitions 4
    tansitions were okay no major problem.

    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    The speaker did a good job in delivering his speech. Good gestures, eye contact etc. maybe in the future he might change his intonation so that he could sound more enthusiastic

    1. Oh the intonation... I had the same idea. Thanks for all the comments. See you at class!
