Title: N/A Evaluator: Jae Hyun Lee Date: May 29th, 2017
According to the scale(1~5) from the evaluation format, (1: Excellent ~ 5: need improvement)
Speech value: 3 This looks like a narrative speech. The story was interesting and your opinion at the end was very meaningful.
Preparation: 3 Maybe the presenter needs appropriate speech environment. Given that this is the major assignment, public places like classroom could have been a better choice. but still, the presenter seemed to practice a lot for speech itself.
Organization 4 It consists of Introduction(20 '') + storytelling(2' 40'') + conclusion/personal opinion(40''). The total length is a bit short, and personal opinion and what the presenter learned from the topic should be explained more.
Opening 3 It is good that he asked the audience a proper question about the topic to grab their attention.
Body 3 It is just about the story itself but the presenter is fluent in delivering the story.
Conclusion 2 The presenter told about what he felt and learned from the story that audiences can relate to it.
Transitions 3 I could not here concrete transition word but as a sentence (e.g. here is an example, isn't it an amazing story?) I was able to recognize that it is a transition point.
*What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? :Tilted body, left arm bent, and unnecessary body swaying has to be fixed. It maybe good if he enunciate and care more about the pronunciation and accent.
*What did you like about the presentation? : The story was very dramatic. I was able to visualize the narration that the presenter explained. I also like his confident manner and seamless speaking. Thanks for the interesting presentation!
Title: N/A
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Jae Hyun Lee
Date: May 29th, 2017
According to the scale(1~5) from the evaluation format,
(1: Excellent ~ 5: need improvement)
Speech value: 3
This looks like a narrative speech. The story was interesting and your opinion at the end was very meaningful.
Preparation: 3
Maybe the presenter needs appropriate speech environment. Given that this is the major assignment, public places like classroom could have been a better choice. but still, the presenter seemed to practice a lot for speech itself.
Organization 4
It consists of Introduction(20 '') + storytelling(2' 40'') + conclusion/personal opinion(40''). The total length is a bit short, and personal opinion and what the presenter learned from the topic should be explained more.
Opening 3
It is good that he asked the audience a proper question about the topic to grab their attention.
Body 3
It is just about the story itself but the presenter is fluent in delivering the story.
Conclusion 2
The presenter told about what he felt and learned from the story that audiences can relate to it.
Transitions 3
I could not here concrete transition word but as a sentence (e.g. here is an example, isn't it an amazing story?) I was able to recognize that it is a transition point.
*What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
:Tilted body, left arm bent, and unnecessary body swaying has to be fixed. It maybe good if he enunciate and care more about the pronunciation and accent.
*What did you like about the presentation?
: The story was very dramatic. I was able to visualize the narration that the presenter explained. I also like his confident manner and seamless speaking. Thanks for the interesting presentation!