Title: Death Evaluator: Emily Corbett Date: May 29th, 2017
• Speech Value : 1 The topic is relevant to all audiences as death is inevitable. and she gave her thoughts about death as a learning experience. "Death is not the opposite of lift but a part of it." • Preparation : 1 Her presentation was simple ppt and good speech. • Organization : 1 Her speech was well organised into sections and her ppt • Opening : 1 Her opening was very interesting and caught the audience to pay attention and participate. • Body : 2 The body was very well organized into 3 parts. • Conclusion : 1 The conclusion is good. it summarized all the points made and gave an opinion. • Transitions : 2 Appropriate transitions
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? The speaker could have asked the audience more questions through out the speech to keep the audience with her but it was a very interesting speech so i think it is fine. What did you like about the presentation? I liked the topic of this presentation. the speech was very interesting and could have given more insight about death to audience members watching and who have no ideas about death except for negative thoughts. Great presentation!!
Generic Presentation Evaluation Evaluator: Park So Yeon/ Tue 11 Presenter: Jaekyung Seo Presentation Topic: Death 1. What was the overall purpose of the speech. Try to restate or summarize the main point. How well was it addressed? -Is life and death really something that is opposite? How death effects us. 2. Was there a hook? Was it effective? How could it have been improved? -Yes she started her speech by introducing a test question and a quote to follow it. 3. Was the structure logical? Point supported by evidence or examples? Good transitions between ideas? -Yes she had a nice structure dividing death into many categories and had her personal examples and other examples as well 4. Was the conclusion concise? Were main points restated or summarized? Was the closing memorable? -She made a nice, concise conclusion and summarized her opinion in the end 5. Did the speaker use enthusiasm, pauses, humor, visual aids? -She made short pauses in her speech and used visual aids to help the audiences understand 6. What did you notice about the speaker’s body language? Posture, eye contact, gestures. -She made good eye contact with her audience and hand gestures to draw attention 7. Was the volume good? Did the speaker enunciate and pronounce clearly? Could everything be understood? -She spoke in a slow pace which was easy to follow and she spoke clearly as well. The content wasn’t hard so everything was understandable. Unlike her worries the sound wasn’t bad.
Title: Death
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Emily Corbett
Date: May 29th, 2017
• Speech Value : 1
The topic is relevant to all audiences as death is inevitable. and she gave her thoughts about death as a learning experience. "Death is not the opposite of lift but a part of it."
• Preparation : 1
Her presentation was simple ppt and good speech.
• Organization : 1
Her speech was well organised into sections and her ppt
• Opening : 1
Her opening was very interesting and caught the audience to pay attention and participate.
• Body : 2
The body was very well organized into 3 parts.
• Conclusion : 1
The conclusion is good. it summarized all the points made and gave an opinion.
• Transitions : 2
Appropriate transitions
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
The speaker could have asked the audience more questions through out the speech to keep the audience with her but it was a very interesting speech so i think it is fine.
What did you like about the presentation?
I liked the topic of this presentation. the speech was very interesting and could have given more insight about death to audience members watching and who have no ideas about death except for negative thoughts. Great presentation!!
Generic Presentation Evaluation
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Park So Yeon/ Tue 11
Presenter: Jaekyung Seo
Presentation Topic: Death
1. What was the overall purpose of the speech. Try to restate or summarize the main point. How well was it addressed?
-Is life and death really something that is opposite? How death effects us.
2. Was there a hook? Was it effective? How could it have been improved?
-Yes she started her speech by introducing a test question and a quote to follow it.
3. Was the structure logical? Point supported by evidence or examples? Good transitions between ideas?
-Yes she had a nice structure dividing death into many categories and had her personal examples and other examples as well
4. Was the conclusion concise? Were main points restated or summarized? Was the closing memorable?
-She made a nice, concise conclusion and summarized her opinion in the end
5. Did the speaker use enthusiasm, pauses, humor, visual aids?
-She made short pauses in her speech and used visual aids to help the audiences understand
6. What did you notice about the speaker’s body language? Posture, eye contact, gestures.
-She made good eye contact with her audience and hand gestures to draw attention
7. Was the volume good? Did the speaker enunciate and pronounce clearly? Could everything be understood?
-She spoke in a slow pace which was easy to follow and she spoke clearly as well. The content wasn’t hard so everything was understandable. Unlike her worries the sound wasn’t bad.