Title: Artificial Intelligence: Can It Replace Human? Evaluator: JAE WON CHOI( Tuesday9) Date: 5/29
Speech value: 5-The speech was well delivered, and The visuals were very adequate with the overall presentation
Preparation 5- I think it was well prepared. It was noticeable by the powerpoint and the information he used, which I think he would’ve done some research
Organization 5-the organization was good. I think nothing was wrong
Opening 4-The opening about baduk was okay but maybe it could’ve been more interesting if he explained just a bit more about it.
Body 5- good statistics, good visuals. It was quite interesting
Conclusion 5-I liked how he concluded with a quote that requires people to act differently
Transitions 4 tansitions were okay no major problem.
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? The speaker did a good job in delivering his speech. Good gestures, eye contact etc. maybe in the future he might change his intonation so that he could sound more enthusiastic
Title: Artificial Intelligence: Can It Replace Human?
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: JAE WON CHOI( Tuesday9)
Date: 5/29
Speech value: 5-The speech was well delivered, and The visuals were very adequate with the overall presentation
Preparation 5- I think it was well prepared. It was noticeable by the powerpoint and the information he used, which I think he would’ve done some research
Organization 5-the organization was good. I think nothing was wrong
Opening 4-The opening about baduk was okay but maybe it could’ve been more interesting if he explained just a bit more about it.
Body 5- good statistics, good visuals. It was quite interesting
Conclusion 5-I liked how he concluded with a quote that requires people to act differently
Transitions 4
tansitions were okay no major problem.
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
The speaker did a good job in delivering his speech. Good gestures, eye contact etc. maybe in the future he might change his intonation so that he could sound more enthusiastic
Oh the intonation... I had the same idea. Thanks for all the comments. See you at class!