Saturday, May 27, 2017

Heo Sung Ji/Major assignment-Band wagon effect/Tues 11a.m-1p.m


  1. Title: Band wagon effects
    Evaluator: Kweonho Lee
    Date: 5/28

    Speech value: 5
    I want to give the highest score for the speaker’s speech value. The speaker had confidence in her voice and she varied her intonation to attract the attention of the audience. Pauses were appropriate and her high tone was catchy. She seemed like a teacher.

    Preparation 5
    Visual aids were neat and the organization of the speech was clear. The speaker had interesting openings and reflected lots of points that we covered in the class. Also, she delivered her speech without using notes.

    Organization 5
    The speaker had three main points with an opening and conclusion. I liked how she introduced her main points in the beginning and summarized them again in the conclusion. I was able to remember the main points clearly.

    Opening 5
    The opening was interesting and attention grabbing. She talked about her dressing and asked a question that is relevant to her speech topic.

    Body 5
    During the explanation, the speaker had specific examples, survey results, and charts to support her opinion.

    Conclusion 4
    As mentioned above, I liked the short summary of the main points and the speaker used a proverb to make her final remarks more memorable.

    Transitions 5
    Used transitions whenever she moved on to her next points by using “first, next, lastly, today..”

    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    Overall, the whole presentation was well prepared and interesting to watch. Compared to the opening, I thought the conclusion could be improved to make it more effective. For example, the speaker said in the end that such marketing is also a “main” factor of failures in our consuming. I think the part needs to be elaborated more. Also, she added, “Great boast and small roast show well to us.” I thought the speaker was being a bit conclusive on the negative parts of the marketing. As some of the audience would not agree, I think it would have been better if the speaker had focused on the “possibility” of failure rather than stating that it is a main factor.

  2. Title: Band wagon effects
    Evaluator: moon jun young
    Date: 5/28

    speech value 5: I was happy to know about bandwagon effect
    it is very intereting because we can find it in daily lives,and we can be careful for that.
    preparation 5: She all memorized the words that she want to say.And visual aids helped me understand bandwagon effect easily.
    opening 5:She could interest the audience easily because she started with her dress. And she providend the order of presentation in advance.
    Body 5:She mentioned each parts of the main body part very logically with her visual aids.
    Conclusion5:She summarizied the whole presentation and the audience can understand the main points she wanted to convey.
    transitions 5:she mentioned the order of presentation I can anticipate it and she used the word first next finally

    What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    I think this presentation emphasizes that we should careful for the bandwagon effect and critical when we consume So statements that 3 marketings provide us good information should be disposed of .

  3. And organization:5 presentation's opening is good.she started with her cloth and emphasize on 3 main points with visual aid and cocluded with proverb.I can remember comfortably the important things in this presentatian
