Title: Procrastination Evaluator: sung ji young Date: 5/29
Speech value: 5 The speaker did a great job of making the topic interesting and connect with the audience. He also had effect visual aids to help the audience understand the topic better.
Preparation 4 The speech was very well organized. He seemed to have prepared a lot, and organized it so that the audience can more easily understand the topic being presented.
Organization 4 The speaker starts his speech with a question of rather a procrastination helps people to perform better. This effectively caught audience's attention and he led on to showing studies done regarding the topic.
Opening 4 The opening included a question that arouses audience's curiosity.
Body 4 The body had solid examples of studies done by University of Chicago. He also gave examples related to his own experiences.
Conclusion 4 The speaker had a firm opinion regarding the topic, which helped the audience to understand the overall speech.
Transitions 4 Used transitions whenever he moved on to his next points by using “first, then, another thing, so..”
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? The speaker could have actually shorten the length of his presentation. Although 11 minutes isn't a long time, it is long enough for the audience to start lose interest. So, it would have been much effective if the speaker made his speech more compact and shorter.
Title: Procrastination
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: sung ji young
Date: 5/29
Speech value: 5
The speaker did a great job of making the topic interesting and connect with the audience. He also had effect visual aids to help the audience understand the topic better.
Preparation 4
The speech was very well organized. He seemed to have prepared a lot, and organized it so that the audience can more easily understand the topic being presented.
Organization 4
The speaker starts his speech with a question of rather a procrastination helps people to perform better. This effectively caught audience's attention and he led on to showing studies done regarding the topic.
Opening 4
The opening included a question that arouses audience's curiosity.
Body 4
The body had solid examples of studies done by University of Chicago. He also gave examples related to his own experiences.
Conclusion 4
The speaker had a firm opinion regarding the topic, which helped the audience to understand the overall speech.
Transitions 4
Used transitions whenever he moved on to his next points by using “first, then, another thing, so..”
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
The speaker could have actually shorten the length of his presentation. Although 11 minutes isn't a long time, it is long enough for the audience to start lose interest. So, it would have been much effective if the speaker made his speech more compact and shorter.